I will get back to you shortly
po文清單文章推薦指數: 80 %
關於「I will get back to you shortly」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
- 1What to Say When Someone Says, “I'll Get Back to You" - Go ...
Here's how the conversation might go: Gabby: How much are you asking for your property? Seller: H...
- 210 Ways to Say 'I Will Get Back to You as Soon as Possible'
Let customers know you acknowledge their questions or concerns and that they are on your mind eve...
- 3好用句:Let me get back to you on that.
Let me get back to you (on that.)” 是生活及工作上都很常用的句子意思是「我晚一點會(針對那件事)回覆你」 用在當下無法給對方一個肯定的答案或決定 ...
- 4Let me get back to you - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
let me get back to you (on that). I'll communicate with you on that topic at a later time or date...
- 5let me get back to you shortly | English examples in context
High quality example sentences with “let me get back to you shortly” in context from reliable sou...